Family Center
For Parents + Guardians
The place for updates about school events, information, and deadlines.
Ms Bartolo, Language Arts
Mr Camacho, Science
Ms Camacho, PSA Counselor
Mr Carrasco, History/Soc. Stu.
Mr Chen, Language Arts
Mr Datuin, A-G Counselor
Mr Davenport, RSP
Ms Garcia, Main Office
Ms Garcia, RSP
Mr Gardea, Physical Education
Ms Guevara, SAA
Ms Gurrola, RSP/Learning Ctr.
Ms Hakim, Language Arts
Ms Miller, RSP
Mr Payne, History/Social Stu.
Mr Reyes, Special Education
Ms Segura Moctezuma, Community Rep
Mr Sehwani, Academic Consel.
Mr Subuyuj, Math Dept.
Parent Documents 2023-2024
LAUSD Family Guides