Message from the Principal
Welcome to SJLAM!
Many excellent things continue to happen in our school.
For the 2023-2024 school year, the Social Justice Leadership Academy Magnet continues to strive on.
Our “Franky Carrillo Teen Court” is now eight years old.
This is our eleventh year our school is partnered with ELAC (East Los Angeles College). College courses continued to be offered in our school and on our Torres campus, for all students, grades 9-12.
We offer both and Honors and A.P. (Advanced Placement) programs.
Also, we offer after school tutoring and intervention programs for our students who need more assistance, as well as enrichment.
SJLAM will continue to improve student achievement so that every one of our students is successful.
Thank you for supporting your children and their schooling.
Ask all of us lots of questions, visit all of your child’s classes, and get involved.